cloud professional services

Azure Cloud Experts Services

The versatility of Microsoft Azure has you spoilt for choices. Let us help you make the right ones.

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Azure Cloud Management Services

Azure Gold

Cloudride provides the only comprehensive suite of managed services in the market today. The most important piece of the puzzle is to make sure Azure works for you – we are here to make this happen



Cloud Migration Benefits

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Cloud means fast, and easy scalability in accordance with your business needs
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Reduced Costs

Save up on equipment, energy, and human resources overheads

Business Continuity

The cloud ensures there are no bottlenecks and missing parts in your workflows. Keep your data safe and intact, your services running, and always on
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Security & Compliance

Ensure enterprise-level security tools and compliance solutions that bring peace of mind

Our Azure Cloud Management Services

Cloud Migration

We lead our customers’ migration from classic on-premises to public cloud solutions or provide inter/intracloud migrations, as hybrid and multi-cloud architecture


A suboptimal cloud architecture on Azure can end up costing you more in time, money, and missed opportunities

On-Demand Services

Planning, building and automating complex, large-scale, distributed systems on public cloud platforms


Cloud Security

We focus on providing our customers with tailor-made security solutions from top vendors, specifically designed for their needs


Poorly implemented ci/cd and automation processes on Azure can result in more harm than good

Cost Optimization

We specialize in creating comprehensive cost-saving strategies with our customers, providing management & control tools per organization, tag, product, or P&L


Let's Book A Meeting.

We're eager to learn more about your current infrastructure and help you assess your cloud needs.

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Azure Blogs


Best Practices for On-Prem to Cloud Migration

Oct 15, 2020 5:15:43 PM

There are fads in fashion and other things but not technology. Trends such as big data, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and remote working can have extensive implications on a business's future. Business survival, recovery, and growth are dependent on your agility in adopting and adapting to the ever-changing business environment. Moving from on-prem to the cloud is one way that businesses can tap into the potential of advanced technology.

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5 Best Practices to reduce your bills in Azure

Jul 14, 2020 5:15:40 PM

Cloud cost-saving should be part of the implementation and management strategies from the get-go. Businesses that transition to the cloud is increasingly realizing that cloud computing and cost management must go hand-in-hand. The pay-as-you-go structure of cloud computing can work in your favor, but it could also be what causes costs jumping through the roof. CIOs and CTOs should lead the cost optimization discussion and champion cost-aware computing across teams.

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6 Steps to a successful cloud migration

May 24, 2020 11:56:34 AM

There are infinite opportunities for improving performance and productivity on the cloud. Cloud migration is a process that makes your infrastructure conformable to your modern business environment. It is a chance to cut costs, tap into scalability, agility, and faster time to market. Even so, if not done right, cloud migration can produce the opposite results.

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