cloud professional services

Cloud Migration Services

Moving up in the world of business has never been more literal or simpler

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Replace Your Legacy IT & Get into The Cloud

Cloudride offers the skills required to make your cloud journey as simple, agile, and cost-effective as possible with our professional team built from experienced Cloud Architects and DevOps, ready for all tasks your organization requires, from the initial migration planning to the premium on-demand support and personal allocations.



Cloud Migration Benefits

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Cloud means fast, and easy scalability in accordance with your business needs
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Reduced Costs

Save up on equipment, energy, and human resources overheads

Business Continuity

The cloud ensures there are no bottlenecks and missing parts in your workflows. Keep your data safe and intact, your services running, and always on
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Security & Compliance

Ensure enterprise-level security tools and compliance solutions that bring peace of mind


Cloudride Migration Services


Flexible Operations

A cloud solution allows organizations to deploy and test applications quickly over the cloud. Instead of manually using the app, the development teams can deploy the applications through automated deployment options without worrying about compatibility and performance issues.

Cost Reduction

In an era when the competition has become fierce, every business is looking for cost-effective solutions to remain profitable. Cloud migration helps companies to reduce both operational and capital expenses simply because of the pay-as-you-go billing model that is ideal for businesses that now have to pay only for the resources their server consumes.


Since a cloud server is accessible from anywhere, users experience the versatility of access and ease of use like none other. IP whitelisting feature ensures the authorization of the user to access the server from any part of the world regardless of device. This function is commonly available in all PaaS cloud services, such as Cloudways.


A known cloud migration problem is keeping the backend server APIs updated. When it comes to cloud migration, application management team do not have to worry about API and application update.

Scalable Resources

The most visible benefit of cloud migration is the inherent feature of flexible server resources. This is the main reason why applications that require varying levels of server resources opt for the scalable server solutions offered by cloud hosting solutions.

Secured Storage 

Organizations prefer to go with cloud migration because of the very secure storage that is available at a very reasonable operational cost. Besides, when the need arises, the room can be easily scaled up or down without disrupting the application usage. This is an excellent feature for businesses with seasonal or periodic data storage requirements.


AWS MAP with Cloudride

The Cloud Migration 3-year best practice plan is built around the 3 following phases: 


 A comprehensive oversight of the organizations’ IT requirements which allows the business justification for a cloud migration


The first step into the cloud includes the required knowledge transfer, security overlay, cloud architecture and a pilot of a production environment on cloud


Following a successful pilot, your IT will be migrated to the cloud and then modernize to allow as close as possible “cloud native” like environment  

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We're eager to learn more about your current infrastructure and help you assess your cloud needs.

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Our core values

Customer Obsession

Continuously adding value to the customer experience, and prioritizing customer needs on every milestone.

Deep Dive

Undertaking hands-on responsibility on all levels, from planning, through implementation, project management, and ongoing support.

Earn Trust

Implementing best practices and full transparency, to tailor a customized solution for your current needs and future growth plans.

The Highest Standards

Relentlessly operating to deliver high-quality products, services, and processes, while adhering to industry best practices and top performance standards.

Deliver Results

Training our teams to demonstrate impeccable quality in a timely fashion. Your long term satisfaction is our sole concern.


Our Latest Blogs


Project Nimbus Israel: Reforming Public Sector with Cloud Innovation

Jan 23, 2024 4:06:48 PM

The technological evolution in the public sector varies significantly from one country to another. Some countries have made substantial investments in technological modernization and transformation, and have well-developed digital infrastructure in their public sectors. These countries often prioritize digitization initiatives, employ advanced IT systems, and leverage cloud services to enhance government operations, improve civic-oriented services, and increase transparency and efficiency. In Israel, there is a significant disconnect between its reputation as the start-up nation celebrated for innovation, and the untapped potential for further technological improvement of citizen services. Despite Israel's remarkable achievements in cutting-edge technology development and its flourishing high-tech industry, a noticeable gap where the public sector remains shrouded in the shadows, yearning for the transformative touch of technological advancement. Israel is currently undertaking initiatives to address these challenges. However, before delving into these efforts, we first spotlight the key obstacles that the public sector often encounters.

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Cloud Migration 101: How to Troubleshoot & Avoid Common Errors

Dec 4, 2023 3:04:11 PM

Statistics show an ongoing surge in cloud migration in recent years. Public clouds allow the deployment of cutting-edge technologies bundled with several cost-saving solutions. However, to utilize the advantages of the cloud, it is critical to build the migration process from the ground up, rethink the fundamentals and open yourselves for some new doctrines. Let us dive deep into some of the most common mistakes and miss-usages of the platform, analyze the errors and try to offer alternatives which may help to perform the cloud migration more smoothly.

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AWS Partner Cloudride’s Strategic Guide to Cloud Migration 101

Nov 13, 2023 3:39:19 PM

Businesses can choose between a private cloud and public cloud strategies. The choice largely depends on factors such as the specific applications, allocated budget, business needs, and team expertise. The public cloud grants you access to a wide-range of resources such as storage, infrastructure and servers. The provider operating the physical hardware and offers it to companies based on their needs. Amazon Web Services is the most popular public cloud vendor to date, offering the worlds’ most reliable, flexible and secure public cloud infrastructure alongside the best support led by the “AWS Customer Obsession” strategy.

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