cloud professional services

DevOps Experts as a Service

Let our team of DevOps experts handle your infrastructure so you can focus on your business!

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Streamline & automate your workflows 

Our professional DevOps team will transfer the knowledge & dedicate the attention you need to facilitate as smoothly so you be able to focus on your success



DevOps as a Service Benefits


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Ease of Collaboration

With development tools in the cloud, it’s easier to collaborate with users anywhere. And with collaboration as a key to the DevOps philosophy, then this is a huge advantage.
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Faster Testing & Deployment

Generally, when organizations use cloud services, it enables them to increase their release frequency. With more computing power and data storage, the cloud makes the process easier and faster.
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Better Documentation & Quality Control

Using cloud services is more data-driven so everyone on the team uses the same dataset. This leads to better documentation and quality control.

Collaborating With Internal DevOps

DevOps as a Service doesn’t mean you don’t have to have an internal DevOps deployment process. It simply makes it easier to offload different parts of a project for better collaboration and quick turnaround.


Our DevOps Service



We'll discuss with you about your goals and evaluate your current infrastructure for automation and configuration management, security and networking against DevOps Best Practices.


Our team will prepare a high-level Scope of Work detailing the improvements and Automation opportunities identified during the Discovery Phase along with estimates for our team to complete each phase.


Provide new or improved Solutions for your existing environments, creating IaaC deployment scripts, Configuration Management, CI/CD Pipelines, Comprehensive  infrastructure and Application Performance Monitoring using Cloud Native, Open Source and 3rd party partners

Smooth & on-going Transition

Once the task is completed, we'll hand over all deliverables, including automation and configuration management, then either train and transition to your internal team, or take over as your full time Managed DevOps team! Working shoulder to shoulder as your internal DevOps team.

Communication & Transparency

Working with you as partners through a shared communication channel for all project members and with full transparency. All tasks and steps will be under your supervision and in your environment, all deliveries are yours.


Let's Book A Meeting.

We're eager to learn more about your current infrastructure and help you assess your cloud needs.

Book A Meeting

Our core values

Customer Obsession

Continuously adding value to the customer experience, and prioritizing customer needs on every milestone.

Dive Deep

Undertaking hands-on responsibility on all levels, from planning, through implementation, project management, and ongoing support.

Earn Trust

Implementing best practices and full transparency, to tailor a customized solution for your current needs and future growth plans.

The Highest Standards

Relentlessly operating to deliver high-quality products, services, and processes, while adhering to industry best practices and top performance standards.

Deliver Results

Training our teams to demonstrate impeccable quality in a timely fashion. Your long term satisfaction is our sole concern.


Our Latest Blogs


DevOps as a service and DevOps security

03 Oct, 2022

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11 Mar, 2021

Transitioning to DevOps requires a change in culture and mindset. In simple words, DevOps means removing the barriers between traditionally siloed teams: development and operations. In some organizations, there may not even be a separation between development, operations and security teams; engineers are often required to do a bit of all. With DevOps, the two disciplines work together to optimize both the productivity of developers and the reliability of operations.

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CI/CD as a Service

07 Jan, 2021

CI/CD and the cloud are like peas in a pod. The cloud eliminates the agony of introducing and keeping up actual servers. CI/CD automates much of the functions in building, testing, and deploying code. So why not join them and eliminate sweated labor in one go? There are many CI services, and they all do the same things from a theoretical perspective. They start with a rundown of tasks like building or testing. And when you submit your code lines, the tools work through the list until they run into errors. If there are no errors, both IT and developers are happy.

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