cloud professional services

Cloud Solutions for Education

Navigating the ever-changing nature of IT & its value to your educational institution

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Your cloud journey is guided by our experts, every step of the way

When it comes to education in the cloud, there can be a bit of a learning curve. Luckily, our team will help align your functional processes with the innovations necessary for a secure cloud environment.




Cloud Migration Benefits

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Cloud means fast, and easy scalability in accordance with your business needs
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Reduced Costs

Save up on equipment, energy, and human resources overheads

Business Continuity

The cloud ensures there are no bottlenecks and missing parts in your workflows. Keep your data safe and intact, your services running, and always on
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Security & Compliance

Ensure enterprise-level security tools and compliance solutions that bring peace of mind

Our Cloud Management Services

Cloud Migration

We work together with you at every stage of the migration process and ensure solutions that match your business needs.


On-Demand Services

Planning, building, and automating complex, large-scale, distributed systems on public cloud platforms



A sub-optimally designed cloud infrastructure will quickly run into scaling bottlenecks and prolonged recovery times

Cloud Security

We focus on providing our customers with tailor-made security solutions from top vendors, specifically designed for their needs




Poorly implemented ci/cd and automation processes on AWS introduce more bottlenecks and misalignment than they solve

Cost Optimization

We specialize in creating comprehensive cost-saving strategies with our customers, providing management & control tools per organization, tag, product, or P&L.



Let's Book A Meeting.

We're eager to learn more about your current infrastructure and help you assess your cloud needs.

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Our Success Stories


Scaling site availability to improve Traffic Capacity

Learn how to improve traffic capacity with a flexible architecture and reduces infrastructure costs.

How To Scale Online E-Learning Platform

learn how collaboration with cloud experts can innovate your online platform and improve the customer experience.

Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

End-to-End Online Transformation for business continuity & growth during and post-Covid19



Our Blogs


Project Nimbus Israel: Reforming Public Sector with Cloud Innovation

23 Jan, 2024

The technological evolution in the public sector varies significantly from one country to another. Some countries have made substantial investments in technological modernization and transformation, and have well-developed digital infrastructure in their public sectors. These countries often prioritize digitization initiatives, employ advanced IT systems, and leverage cloud services to enhance government operations, improve civic-oriented services, and increase transparency and efficiency. In Israel, there is a significant disconnect between its reputation as the start-up nation celebrated for innovation, and the untapped potential for further technological improvement of citizen services. Despite Israel's remarkable achievements in cutting-edge technology development and its flourishing high-tech industry, a noticeable gap where the public sector remains shrouded in the shadows, yearning for the transformative touch of technological advancement. Israel is currently undertaking initiatives to address these challenges. However, before delving into these efforts, we first spotlight the key obstacles that the public sector often encounters.

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Key Challenges Facing the Education Sector as Cloud Usage Rises

03 Aug, 2021

Following the outbreak of COVID-19, more than one-half of in-person education programs were postponed or canceled around the world. As a result, academic institutions are accelerating cloud adoption efforts to support demand for online and blended learning environments.

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Five Reasons Why Educational Institutions Are Moving to AWS

03 Aug, 2021

Cloud migration has increased steadily over the last few years as K–12 schools and colleges, and universities realized the cost benefits and flexibility of virtual workspaces. However, 2020 saw an unprecedented shift to the cloud in both higher education and K–12 learning as the coronavirus pandemic forced virtual learning to the forefront.

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