cloud professional services

Cloud Services for Media & Internet

Build your apps & products by utilizing the full power and versatility of the modern cloud environment

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Your cloud journey is guided by our experts, every step of the way

Media & internet organizations are choosing Cloudride to help them improve their media operations by eliminating waste, improving operational deficiencies, and allowing companies to focus on delivering exceptional service to their end-use.



Cloud Migration Benefits

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Cloud means fast, and easy scalability in accordance with your business needs
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Reduced Costs

Save up on equipment, energy, and human resources overheads

Business Continuity

The cloud ensures there are no bottlenecks and missing parts in your workflows. Keep your data safe and intact, your services running, and always on
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Security & Compliance

Ensure enterprise-level security tools and compliance solutions that bring peace of mind

Our Cloud Management Services

Cloud Migration

We work together with you at every stage of the migration process and ensure solutions that match your business needs.


On-Demand Services

Planning, building, and automating complex, large-scale, distributed systems on public cloud platforms



A sub-optimally designed cloud infrastructure will quickly run into scaling bottlenecks and prolonged recovery times

Cloud Security

We focus on providing our customers with tailor-made security solutions from top vendors, specifically designed for their needs




Poorly implemented ci/cd and automation processes on AWS introduce more bottlenecks and misalignment than they solve

Cost Optimization

We specialize in creating comprehensive cost-saving strategies with our customers, providing management & control tools per organization, tag, product, or P&L.



Let's Book A Meeting.

We're eager to learn more about your current infrastructure and help you assess your cloud needs.

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Our Success Stories


Scaling Site Availability to Improve User Experience

Learn how to build a scalable, robust cloud infrastructure to support peak usage times while maintaining the highest standards, flexibility, and cost-efficiency.





Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

Enable ongoing continuity & access among existing audiences & ongoing expansion to new markets




Our Blogs


Transit Gateway in the Cloud

Jun 17, 2021 7:10:08 PM

Ever wondered how to allow multiple applications that are on separate networks to use the same Shared Resources?

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Architecture for A Cloud-Native App and Infrastructure

May 20, 2021 5:10:27 PM

"Cloud-native" has become a concept integrated into modern application development projects. A cloud-native application is an application that has been designed specially for the cloud. Such applications are developed and architectured with cloud infrastructure and services in mind. These applications rely on services that ignore the hardware layers and their maintenance. The Cloud Native Foundation is a community of doers who push to enable more Open-Source vendor-free applications

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Serverless VS Microservices

Apr 4, 2021 10:59:38 PM

A good friend asked me last week, “Ido, as a DevOps Engineer, what do you prefer: a serverless architecture or a microservices one?” My friend is a software engineer with knowledge and experience in both, but he is confused (much like several of our customers), so, I’ll try to help.

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