cloud professional services

Customer Success Story

FinOps & Cost opt. as a Services


Learn how Cloudride helped RADWIN Cut Cloud Costs, and achieve ongoing cost management and optimization


By collaborating with Cloudride, Radwin achieved:


Cost reduction by 


Utilizing advanced rightsizing tools to identifies potential optimization opportunities for EC2 instances & reports with recommendation on appropriate action


Controlling & monitoring the monthly budgets much more easily which allowing the team to make adjustments before surpassing their budget


Leverage granular Reserved Instance (RI) and Savings Plans (SP) recommendations, based on historical usage that help optimize future costs

Download the success story!



Aviel Dahan

Global IT Director

"Cloudride gives you the feeling that they are really willing to go above and beyond. They are driven by providing value and results and are simply willing to take those extra steps that differentiate between a supplier and a partner"